We went to a belated Easter Egg hunt at Becky's mom house on Friday evening. Zoe enjoyed watching all the little kids running around and she will be able to participate next year. It was very nice that they invited us and even had a nice horsie outfit that she had bought for Zoe. Plus we left with a goodie bag full of baby food, juices and crackers, so all in all it was very nice.
Zoe hit 14 weeks this past Thursday and we can't believe how big she is getting. She is getting even more vocal and animated with each passing week.
Ok, here are this week's pictures. Jen and I are going to take turns posting each weekend, so I'll see ya back here in 2 weeks.
A great big smile

Getting some "Belly Time"

Out for a walk across the road on the track

Close up of Zoe in the Baby Bjorn that we just love. She loves to check things out, so it works just great for her.

Just hangin' out, talkin' to her Zebra that Pap and Grandma got for her!