More to follow,
yeah, way in the back, that's an elephant

and um, yeah, that's a zebra behind jen's head

in front of the gazelle fountain

my favorite picture from the zoo

Ok, Mom, I am ready to go home now!

This is a blog for Zoe Camille and an attempt by her parents to document the beginning of her young life.
More to follow,
We took her to THAT FISH PLACE this afternoon where she enjoyed checking out the fish and we had to talk Mom out of bringing a bunny or two home. This evening, we are going with Grammy to the Catholic High Festival to check out the lights, games, and the run-by-carnies, take-your-life-in-your-own hands rides and, orf course, festival junk food.
Next week, we are planning to go to the Philly Zoo and we will start taking more pictures of our "out of the house" adventures. We have been a little lax with the camera this week, but will get back to it shortly.