Well, this weekend we went to Ocean City, MD for a little vacation. Kevin's Mom has a friend with a townhouse just a few blocks away from the beach. The first night Kevin, Zoe and I walked the whole boardwalk (well, Zoe didn't walk:). We were so tired by the time we got back. The next day we woke up early to go with Zoe's Gram to the beach. The weather was so nice with a ocean breeze to keep us from getting too hot. Zoe loved looking at the water and sand in fact it was hard to get a picture of her looking up. We made a hole in the sand and stuck her in it and while she took a nap in her Gram's arms Kevin and I played in the ocean. It was so much fun and made us feel like kids again! After the beach we went to Waterman's and had a shrimp feast. On Monday went went to the beach again but left a little early because of the heat. Before going home we all went to Assateague to see ponies. We drove all around without seeing anything but a few deer. On our way out we parked and walked over the dunes to the ocean where we saw 5 ponies. Three were standing on the beach sleeping amid all the sunbathers. It was so funny to see. So we had a great time and can't wait to go back especially when she's older and can see the ponies, ride the rides and swim in the ocean.