It is getting colder here now and it really feels like Halloween is only a few weeks around the corner. I wanted to post this last big patch of pictures, many of which feature Zoe outside sitting on a blanket in the sun. Those days are now over as autumn really starts to reveal itself with changing colors, falling leaves, and a crisp snap in the air. It is a wonderful time of year. Jen and I can't wait for Halloween, and its decorations, and the Pumpkin Carve that Jen and her mom will do in a few weeks as well. I'll keep Jen and Zoe's Halloween outfits a secret until I post the pictures here afterwards (of course).
Zoe gets bigger and more adventurous with every passing day. She still doesn't have much of an interest in crawling, but she LOVES to stand and we feel that she is just going to bypass crawling and move straight to walking. It is amazing how long she can stand by herself, just holding onto a chair and how she will reach out with one hand. She also tries to pull herself up all the time. It won't be long before she moves into this next stage, the baby gates go up and Jen and I start to chase her around this place!
More to follow,
Dog Kiss

Happy Smile

Cat Lover

Sunshine Baby

Doodle thinks it is his Boppy

Sippy Cup Fun

Sippy Cup Fun the Sequel

Bubble Head

I love this picture of Zoe

The Great "Dog Nose Surprise" Picture