This is a blog for Zoe Camille and an attempt by her parents to document the beginning of her young life.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
11 months old!
My biggest news is that I've finally ridden Duncan! Today I rode him for the second time and Kevin put Zoe up on the saddle when I was done. He is such a good boy!
Last weekend we went to West Chester to congratulate Aunt Alicia. She graduated from West Chester U as an education major. She will be an elementary school teacher. YAY ALICIA!
That's about all for now. Come back soon for some Christmas pictures.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Zoe has been crawling for a little over 2 weeks. She can pull herself up almost anywhere and can cruise around when she is holding onto something. We think she should be walking by her birthday or even sooner.
Jen and I made our new year's resolution a bit early this year. We are planning to buy a house by the end of 2007. Hopefully a bit sooner! So we are looking forward to Christmas, of course, but we are REALLY looking forward to next Christmas in our own home and Zoe will be old enough to get a bit more from our yearly traditions.
Will post more pictures soon. Happy Holidays everyone!
Kevin, Jen, & Zoe
Monday, November 27, 2006
Thanksgiving & Longwood
We had a great Thanksgiving (although I still had to feed the horses that day). We went to Mom-mom's house and ate with the family + Aunt Frances and her family. Zoe now has two bottom teeth and 4 upper teeth. The teeting process is definately not a fun one:)
Zoe is in the beginning phase of cruising. She loves to stand at the coffee table (see pic).
On the last day of vacation we went to Longwood Gardens to see the lights. The weather was very nice, I didn't even have to wear a jacket! The Christmas display was wonderful, we will definately make it a yearly tradition. No pictures could show the beauty of it so I am just posting a few pics of us before it became dark.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
Halloween, etc.
It was a very windy and cold day and we didn't stay long.
Zoe weighed 18 lbs. 3 0z. and was 28 inches long.
Lucky for her there were no shots at this visit.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Cute picture
Friday, October 13, 2006
Halloween Approaches
Zoe gets bigger and more adventurous with every passing day. She still doesn't have much of an interest in crawling, but she LOVES to stand and we feel that she is just going to bypass crawling and move straight to walking. It is amazing how long she can stand by herself, just holding onto a chair and how she will reach out with one hand. She also tries to pull herself up all the time. It won't be long before she moves into this next stage, the baby gates go up and Jen and I start to chase her around this place!
More to follow,
Dog Kiss
Happy Smile
Cat Lover
Sunshine Baby
Doodle thinks it is his Boppy
Sippy Cup Fun
Sippy Cup Fun the Sequel
Bubble Head
I love this picture of Zoe
The Great "Dog Nose Surprise" Picture
Monday, October 02, 2006
Hershey Park Chocolate World Happy!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Vernal Equinox
Zoe turned 8 months this past Tuesday. She keeps getting more and more interesting with each passing day. She says "mamamamamama" and "dadadadadada" and gets on quite a roll when she starts. We think she knows both our cats names now, so that if you say "MeeMee" or "Zazu" she will look around for them. She loved to play with Zazu by holding a cat toy that is a long stick with a string and tassle and she will flip it around for her to chase. She isn't quite crawling yet, but she explores with her upper torso, meaning she moves around a lot with her upper body while sitting still. She loves to stand and we think she might be one of theose kids that sorta skips crawling and goes right to walking.
Until next time, here are some new pictures. I will try to post again soon, but don't hold me to it.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
behold the beauty of the giraffes
Here we are checking out all the giraffes.
A nice lady took a picture of all 3 of us.
The giraffe wants a closer look at that baby!
Now we are on the other side of the enclosure, but that giraffe is following us.
2 Zoes?
At the petting zoo.
Taking the Zoo Tram back to the car.