One last summer post before it ends. On Friday we went to the Baltimore to squeeze in one last weekday summer adventure before school starts next week. It was really a lot of fun and Zoe seemed much more interested in watching the animals than she did when we went to the Philly Zoo in late June. It was a bit hot and humid that day, but we had a great time, especially watching the giraffes. Zoe really liked watching them and there was one that seemed to like watching her, in fact, when we moved up a pathway to check out an Okapi, the giraffe seemed to follow us over there. Then we read the sign and saw that one giraffe was named Zoe, so we just KNEW that was the one that was following us! We got a ton of great pictures there; enjoy.
Here we are checking out all the giraffes.

A nice lady took a picture of all 3 of us.

The giraffe wants a closer look at that baby!

Now we are on the other side of the enclosure, but that giraffe is following us.

2 Zoes?

At the petting zoo.

Taking the Zoo Tram back to the car.
1 comment:
Looks like you guys had a great time, Zoe looks very happy!!!
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