Ok, so summer is not officially over for a few more weeks, butI will be going back to school next week on Monday for my first teacher day with Thursday 08/31 being the first day for students. As far as I am concerned, summer is over, so I am ready for cooler weather and the leaves to turn almost immediately. Unfortunately, that won't happen, I will just hope for no late summer heatwaves for my non-air-conditioned school I will have a VERY new year with a new classroom asstistant, 2 new principals and probably 6-8 new students. It will be quite an adjustment from hanging out with Jen and Zoe 24/7. I will miss them both, but I try to look on the bright side and realize that I will be home most days shortly after 3pm, I have loads of time off for holidays and such, and many more summers off to enjoy with my family.
Zoe just keeps getting better and better. She is even more animated now and can sit up on her own for long stretches of time playing with her toys. Her fine motor skills are developing nicely, she loves to pick up objects and then roate her wrist back and forth to get a better look at it. She laughs at the cats when they are playing and loves to take a bath now. She was 17 1/2 lbls, 26 1/2 inches at her 6 month check up in July and J and I feel that she is bigger now that she just past the 7 month mark last Saturday.
On a side note, my sister Karen and brother-in-law Kelvin moved to Florida near Daytona last week, We wish them well and hope to see them soon and Karen BETTER be checking this blog for pictures often. You hear me Sis?!?!
Now that we are back online and back into more of a routine with school and all, we will try to post at least every 2 weeks, but will continue to shoot for every weekend.
peace to all,

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