Saturday, December 23, 2006

One more picture...

This pictures so cute I had to post it...

11 months old!

Wow, Zoe is 11 months old now. Almost a year! I can't believe how fast time goes by when you have a baby. Kevin has off from school now for Christmas and we went to the park. Zoe really liked the swing as you can see in the pictures. She also really likes the ducks and geese. There were more at the park then I've ever seen and because it's Winter no one was there feeding them except us.
My biggest news is that I've finally ridden Duncan! Today I rode him for the second time and Kevin put Zoe up on the saddle when I was done. He is such a good boy!
Last weekend we went to West Chester to congratulate Aunt Alicia. She graduated from West Chester U as an education major. She will be an elementary school teacher. YAY ALICIA!
That's about all for now. Come back soon for some Christmas pictures.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Last Sunday we went to Hershey Park's Candy Lane to check out the lights and Zoe had her first carousel ride and train ride. This Friday we went to Dutch Wonderland's Winter Wonderland ( combo tickets!) and rode the train twice and the carousel. Jenine(my Classroom Asst. from Lincoln) brought her kids and we walked around together for a bit. It was a nice time and both places were fun. We plan to add it to our yearly traditions, along with Longwood Gardens.

Zoe has been crawling for a little over 2 weeks. She can pull herself up almost anywhere and can cruise around when she is holding onto something. We think she should be walking by her birthday or even sooner.

Jen and I made our new year's resolution a bit early this year. We are planning to buy a house by the end of 2007. Hopefully a bit sooner! So we are looking forward to Christmas, of course, but we are REALLY looking forward to next Christmas in our own home and Zoe will be old enough to get a bit more from our yearly traditions.

Will post more pictures soon. Happy Holidays everyone!

Kevin, Jen, & Zoe