Saturday, March 31, 2007


We took Zoe to the Brandywine River Museum today. They were having an awesome show of Howard Pyle and his contemporaries. There was also a nice gallery with NC Wyeth's paintings. I had a blast!! I could have been there all day. In the Andrew Wyeth gallery there was a lady giving a tour and it turned out to be one of Andrew's grandchildren. Zoe was getting very fussy by then and unfortunately I couldn't hear what she was saying. I would have died to have met her! She did say hi to Zoe.
If you are a fan of illustrators you MUST go see the current exhibit. I'd like to go back.
I took some great pictures of Zoe outside the museum on the pig and cow.

New cousin!

Zoe has a new cousin! Her name is Makayla Elizabeth Shoop. Her parents are my sister, Alicia and her husband Keith. She had the same doctor deliver her that Zoe had and was born in the same hospital. What a cutie!

Just born!

Uncle Kevin and Makayla.
Mom-mom and her new granddaughter.

Also included in this blog are some photos I took last Sunday when Zoe and I went to my Mom's house without Kevin. We had a great time. Zoe really enjoyed spending time with her Aunt Brynne, my cousins Melanie & Heather and her Mom-mom.
Zoe is still not walking although I know she can. She just got two more bottom teeth this week and almost has her 2nd upper molar out.

Zoe & Aunt Brynne.

Zoe and my cousin Melanie.

Zoe and her Mom-mom on the Kawasaki.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Birthday Weekend

We had a great weekend. Kevin took off on Friday and we went to the Philly Zoo. We got a membership so we can go anytime now for a year for free. What a good deal.
Go to the zoo in the Winter. There was probably about 15 people there and almost all the exhibits were open.
On Saturday Zoe attended her first birthday party at Chuckie Cheese. She really liked seeing all the kids and going on the rides.
Sunday we went to my mom's house for dinner. She made clam chowder especially for Kevin.

Zoe is continuing to grown and learn every day. She is sleeping through the night by herself, usually for 12 hours. She loves to eat everything we eat and is learning new words every week.
Enjoy the photos!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

sweet pea

Just posting a few new pictures of my cute little girl. We had a nice week. Zoe has been sleeping well on her own in her crib. We had a nice visit with my dad, her Pop-pop. We also had a visit with Carolee and John. I call John the baby whisperer (see pic). She felt awefully comfortable with him for a stranger. Zoe is also enjoying lots of time with Kevin's mom, her Grammy. She was here a lot while we got our car fixed. Tonight we are expecting snow. Hopefully it will all be gone for Kevin's 40th birthday on Friday. He is taking off work so we can do something fun.